El Remake de Same Love de Macklemore por Angel Haze

Angel Haze es una rapera Newyorquina que ha hecho noticia por declararse "Pansexual"  y realmente nosotras no sabíamos que significaba ser pansexual, averiguamos y ser Pansexual es el simple hecho de aceptar que te enamoraras de la persona por lo que es, no por su genero, básicamente ser pansexual no es que te atraigan ambos géneros, entendieron?. Bueno la cosa es que esta rapera que quiere ser mejor que Nicki Minaj, hizo un remake de la canción Same Love de Macklemore, contando su historia y saben qué? esta bastante buena.Aunque no cambio la verdadera y me quedo con mi amor infinito a Macklemore. Escucha aca el remake.
At age 13 my mother knew I wasn’t straight 
she didn’t understand but she had so much to say
she sat me on the couch looked me straight in my face
and said you’ll burn in hell or probably die of AIDS
it’s funny now but at 13 it was pain
to be almost sure of who you are and have it ripped away
and i’m sorry if it’s too real for some of you to fathom
but hate for who you love is not exactly what you’d imagine
and i guess it was disastrous
cause everything that happened afterwards was just madness
locked away for two years to keep me on the inside
because she’d rather see a part of me die than me thrive
and it’s tougher when it’s something you can’t deny
and ignorance teaches us it’s something that you decide
you’re driven by your choice is an optical illusion
here’s to understanding that it’s not always confusion

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